Hornet Playoff Football Theme for Thursday, November 10th! Pep Rally will be at 3:15 PM in the Estes Gym! The Hornets’ Bi-District Football game vs. the May Tigers will be Thursday November 10th in Robert Lee. Kickoff 7:00 PM. We will be the visiting team! Go Hornets! 💜
over 2 years ago, Irion ISD
white out
Veteran's Day Program
over 2 years ago, Irion ISD
vets day
Pep Rally for the Irion County Playoffs will be on Thursday, November 11th @ 3:15 in the Estes Gym.
over 2 years ago, Irion ISD
pep rally
Congratulations to the Boys 1A State Champion Tayte Cormier.
over 2 years ago, Irion ISD
Schedule changes for next week.
over 2 years ago, Irion ISD
Irion County HS Schedule for Friday, November 4th
over 2 years ago, Irion ISD
If you are having trouble calling into the campus offices, please call the direct numbers: Elementary 835-3991 High School 835-2881
over 2 years ago, Nell Whitlow
ICHS State Cross Country Send Off will be during the HS Pep Rally (8:50 - 9:10 AM) Friday, November 4th
over 2 years ago, Nell Whitlow
November Parent Make the Difference (PMD) newsletter 1. Go to www.esc15.net. 2. Parents tab (top banner) 3. Then click on “Newsletters.”
over 2 years ago, Irion ISD
Parent newsletter
We will have an early release on Friday, November 4th at 12:00 pm. Our teachers have mandatory training that we need to complete. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Irion ISD
early release
Fall Festival Layout
over 2 years ago, Irion ISD
fall festival
Here are our Seniors (and old man Director) with our First Division Superior trophy from today’s Region Marching Contest.
over 2 years ago, Irion ISD
State Cross Country shirts are here! Order yours before the Oct. 31st deadline! https://gogearup.io/irioncounty-ccstate22
over 2 years ago, Irion ISD
Thanksgiving Meal Info
over 2 years ago, Irion ISD
Class of 2023 Senior Parent Night will be Friday, Oct.28th beginning at 7:00 PM. Seniors and Parents need to be in line by 6:50 PM by the concession stand gate.
over 2 years ago, Nell Whitlow
Friday Football Theme
over 2 years ago, Irion ISD
oct 21
Three Week Progress Reports for Grades 7-12 have been published in Parent Portal.
over 2 years ago, Nell Whitlow
over 2 years ago, Irion ISD
Pink out
Fall Festival Info
over 2 years ago, Irion ISD
fall festival
Hair tinsel.
over 2 years ago, Irion ISD
Hair floss